Friday, June 1, 2012


I've often thought about the legacy I will leave. I wonder what people will remember me as. What descriptive words will come to their mind when I am no longer walking this earth. Will they think of me in regards to my hopes and dreams? Will they remember me based on something I did for them? Will I come to their mind when they smell a certain fragrance or hear a certain song? Will they see a picture or something and instantly think of me?
Will my life be one that leaves an impact long after I am gone?
It's not an easy topic, death, but it's one we all must face at one time in our lives.
We are all given life. We are all graced with this life and all that comes with it. We all have a story written for us, and each one will impact at least one other person on this earth. The question is, what kind of impact will it have?

What do you want to be remembered as?

The list can go on and on and on-so can the list of undesirable answers. 
But what is it that you want others to say of you. When all is said and done, what do you want your name to be tied to?

I know my answer. 
Do you?

I want my legacy to point back my Heavenly Father. I don't want people to just remember me, but rather what I stood for. I want people to remember that I was forgiving just as my Father was forgiving. I want people to remember that I gave sacrificially just as my Savior did for me. I want people to remember me as someone who was in love with her Creator and not afraid to show it.
    I don't want people to remember just me.
I want my legacy to extend far past me. If God blesses me with a family and kids of my own, I want them to go on loving Christ with all their hearts and serving him wherever he leads. And, if they go on and have kids, I want those grandbabies to go on living for Him too. Sure, having a legacy of "good" people or "caring" people is fine, but I don't want fine. I want "on-fire" and "unashamed" to grace this world after I am gone.
I realize that a lot of this portion of my legacy I cannot physically control, but I can pray. I can pray for the kids God may bless me with one day. I can pray for those grandbabies; I can pray that their eyes will be open to God's saving grace and unending love. I can pray that God will equip them to go on and do amazing things in His name.

Our legacy starts with us. It starts with us right now, while we're still breathing on this earth. It starts with us kneeling before our Maker and praying on behalf of all the others to come. It starts with us praying that he will guide our footsteps, and we will follow him trustingly.
Our legacy doesn't start down the road, it's already being written....

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