There is something we all crave.
There are so many things that we want from others, but what we fail to realize is that no one is capable of fulfilling any of those things. We long to fill this need in our lives and search until we find something thatwill, but at some point that thing fails and we are left with yet another hole.
We are all born wanting something more, wanting something meaningful to be in our lives. We long to find something or someone who will not leave us empty handed in the end, and the days seem longer and more unbearable until we discover what that thing is (in our eyes). We fail to acknowledge that we, ourselves, are not capable of filling our own empty spots and therefore no one else on this planet will be able to do the same for us.
We are created with a hole that has a special piece that fits it. It's unique, shaped specifically for that spot. Nothing else will fit and nothing else, no matter how much we try to dress it up or reshape it, will ever fill that spot completely.
There will always be a gap!
We seek out the one thing that can and will fill every inch of that hole. Then, and only then, will we experience a sense of wholeness. Then, and only then, will we begin to experience the beautiful healing process that comes through relying on the Perfect One able to love us perfectly the way we need to be. Only then will we begin to see why all of our other attempts to fill the empty space failed.
I would love to end my thoughts there, but I am not so naive to think that we all become happy and remain happy once that Perfect Piece is found. God, our Savior, is that Perfect Piece. He is the one who knows us inside and out and understands all of our wants and fears. He knows what moves and motivates us and what stops us dead in our tracks because of fear. He knows what it will take to move past the roadblocks and shatter the mountains towering before us. He knows that it will take sacrifice and pain from stretching and growing to reach our full potential. He also knows that we are a stubborn and hard headed people. He knows that we don't like to have our comfort bubbles popped. He knows that we are going to have to decide daily to endure the pain and uncomfortable environment to get to where he needs us. He knows that along the road many, if not all of us, will try to remove him and replace him with something else we see appealing, something that will allow us to sit comfortably, something that will give us temporary happiness rather than pain and sacrifice.
He knows we are imperfect and impatient, but he also knows how to draw us back. He knows how to touch our hearts and bring us back to him. He knows that we long to feel complete. He knows that as an imperfect people we long to be perfect (or pretty darn close). He knows that some may never come to see Him as their piece. He knows that some will reject him without even investigating whether it's a perfect match.
He knows. And He waits. And He calls us to him.
That empty feeling we've all experienced is our hearts searching and calling out for our creator. It is our hearts yearning for the only piece that will bring healing to our broken lives. It is our hearts breaking every day that we try to run from His calling. We are a people created to be in communion with God. We are a people created to have a love relationship with the one Person who knows the ins and outs of our hearts and minds. Without that relationship we feel and always will be empty. Incomplete. Unhappy. Temporary happiness will come and go, but true happiness comes from a perfect love relationship with the God of the Universe... the One who created us... the Perfect Lover of our Souls. Any other attempts to fill that spot are fleeting and will fail us one way or another, sooner or later, leaving us empty.
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