Today is the day.
No it's not a special holiday.
It's just a Thursday.
The sun is barely shining through the clouds as I type, but today is the day. Today is the only Tuesday that will fall on October 30 in 2014. Today is a once in a lifetime day. Yesterday and tomorrow were too for that matter. Our days are numbered, we all know that, but I don't think we all live that way.
We see our days as a To Do List.
Get up. CHECK
Shower. CHECK
Get dressed. CHECK
Pour coffee (and relish the first sip). CHECK
Grab purse, bag, breakfast. CHECK
Bid goodbyes. CHECK
Head out to work. CHECK
And this list can go on and is different for some. But the point is that not one thing on that list gets me excited about the day (except for maybe the coffee). Life is so much more than the mundane things we go about doing. Life is beautiful and very rarely do we take the time to appreciate it. Getting out of bed tends to be the hardest task of the day because of our perspective. We would rather stay in our cozy beds than jump up and tackle the day because we focus on the expected rather than the potential. Sure, those things on our "check list" must get done throughout the day. We have to get up and go to work, but instead of focusing on those things we should look for the potential of the day.
When was the last time you stopped to notice the jumpy little squirrel with his packed cheeks? Or what about the leaves? They are gorgeous this time of year! What about the sunset or sunrise or the moon or the stars? When have you just stared at the clouds? It might sound silly to us because it's not what is expected of us, but I believe that God has placed these things to remind of us how unimportant our routine is. He places the crazy squirrels and puffy clouds and random cloudbursts followed by rainbows in our lives to show his magnificence. But, instead of noticing them we are too focused on our lives and the things we have to do.
God's creation screams look at me, notice me and worship my Creator. I truly believe that if we start focusing more on each day's potential rather than it's checklist it would be a whole lot easier to get up in the morning and actually enjoy the day. God didn't create us to go through life doing the same things over and over again. If that was the case why would he make us all different? Why would there be seasons, and funny animals, and beautiful sunsets, and amazing rain storms? Our world would be gray and blah if the checklist was all we were to live for.
We are made to worship God.
Today is the day we should change our perspective. Today is the day God has allowed us to wake up and see. Today is the day that I should choose to worship my Creator rather than focus on the day to day.
Today is the day that I choose to live intentionally and see the potential and beauty in everything.
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